Authors description: Tech disclosure happened! Now you have this. For Not displaying Missing road connection icons, First place on the roadside (1cell wide), If you want to place this asset away from the roadside, Please move it with Move It! mod after place it on the roadside This mod adds Zero point generator to the Cities Skylines. Use More Beautification and Prop & Tree Anarchy mods to overlay other props and trees in assets. This mod will work with new maps only! If you already have placed watersources, roads, ship paths, etc those might get lost when creating a new terrain, or will. Quickly generate great looking terrain to be used as a base for creating your own maps! This mod creates random fractal terrains using the diamond square algorithm. New Neighbor Cities editor:- Bigger city map showing the limits Cities Skylines Road Generator mod WIP New integration with CSL Map View mod, allowing to export all roads generated names and building with auto generated names. New highway type register: Categorize your roads with short identifiers (A-1, BR-030, SP-31, Interstate 4, etc). So, you won't need anymore to pass power poles around the city to connect the power plants to the city if they're connected by road - New UI, following most recent layout pattern (Klyte Mods Gen 6). Authors description: Now compatible with 81 tiles mod! This mod turns all roads in the city into electric conductors. I use them all the time and I'm glad the mods are there for us This mod adds Electric Roads Mod 1.2.3 to the Cities Skylines. I have subscribed to and enabled all three of them.

4,354 ratings And the three mods Fine Road Anarchy 2.0.2, Fine Road Tool 2.0.4 and Electric Roads Mod 2.1 work great together. This is not a mod.*** UPDATED 27/AGO **** Cities: Skylines> Workshop > Klyte45's Workshop.

Still need access to police vehicles if you do not want crimes there.Don't need road connection: Place your parks where you please, but remember to give people some way to get into your park.Cities Skylines Another shot of my container port, from above. Cities Skylines Marina and Central Park Marina and Central Park 8 lane highway Woodland, pop 125k.